SSV Introduction


The Sheau Swan Virus.
Credit to Sheau Swan for bringing this side out.
So as we said, we're whacked with this.
Might as well...
Wear it proud! :)

The Special People
Tissue! (:
I like crayons.
Cows are my friends.
Socks are fun too!

Ng Win Win (:
She likes colours ;P
She loves music too. :D
Perfect combination of science and arts. xD

A Little Somethingg ;P
For everyone! (:
Sherwin: Win Win
Sheau Swan: Wei- Jellie
Shannon: Peanut/ Nut Nut?
Cheryl: Tissue

For Esther:
Cheryl: Sai Lei QQ Zhu
Esther: Si Fu Fei Fei Zhu

For Shannon:
Cheryl: Abugee
Shannon: Imoogee

Ask Parameswara
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010

Natalie Dee Comics
Roadrunner Records
Ultimate Guitar
Surf the Channel!
God of War
Sample names
Shahmira's Site

The I.J.S™
Stand For Our Right
Live to Eat
The Sotots
Assunta Military Band
Beh Yun Ji
Carmen Lee
Christina How
Christine Choo
Crystal and Florence
Elysia Lim Esther Loong
Esther Tan
Evellyn Yap
Ginny Ng
Kaylee and Prashant K.
Laura Ng
Mae Yin
Ms. Cheryl
Natasha Sin
Poh Yee
Previtta Karthigesu
Shannon Lwe :)
Shern Lyn
SSD Trios
Sweet Mae
Tiffany Teoh
Victoria Ngow
Yap Jo Ey
Ying Wei


This is Dandelion, say goodbye now...

Wednesday, June 27
In Loving Memory

Have you ever had the feeling, where something so bad happened to you, you know it. But it just has not hit you yet because you can't except the fact. I know very well, I have not accepted the fact that she is gone. Until the next family meeting and I realize she is not there. It will hit me then. How will I prepare for it? Will it have worn off by then? I've cried the first day. But not at the funeral, now I know why.

3 days of grief, regret and thoughts. Here's the shitty part. We can't re-do anything. ANYTHING! I hate the feeling of guilt. I never REALLY knew her. But still proud of myself for taking the time to talk to her and everything. Giving her my song sheets and pretending that we knew the words so she won't feel bad. Those were the only memories. How can one not feel bad about all this?

What hurts me most is to see everyone around me cry. Especially Nicho. He was close to her. She was a mom to him. I understand exactly why he can't let go. I mean.. Even I can't. What am I to do when I finally see the fact that... That was the last time I ever take a look at her face.

This post was only for you. Kamalam Joseph. My beloved aunt who is now in the hands of the Lord. I love you, we love you. Always will. :) Never in my life will I forget you and your sacrifices. The loving and caring aunt. Who is now at peace with everything and back with the Creator. Thank you for everything.

-Not Accepted it-

1:53 AM

Monday, June 25
Demographics of Bikini Bottom

Bikini Bottom's populace, like that of the rest of the series, consists of various anthropomorphic fish, whales, crabs, sponges, octopi, starfish, anchovies, lobsters, sharks, and most other forms of sea life, including sea monsters. Some forms of sea life, like jellyfish, seahorses, snails, and worms aren't sentient however, and are treated like pets or wild animals. An example of this is SpongeBob's pet snail, Gary. The first known land creature to live in Bikini Bottom was the Dark Knight, an ancestor of Sandy Cheeks, before the 12th century (Bikini Bottom was then known as Bikini Bottomshire).[1] Sandy Cheeks, a squirrel from Texas, is (along with Jerry the Snail and Wormy the Butterfly) the only land creature seen living in modern Bikini Bottom.

"Animals" in Bikini Bottom are similar to those "animals" in the real world. Some are treated as pets, while others live in the wild.

A majority of "animals" live in the wild. First and foremost, jellyfish are similar to bees. There are many types of jellyfish that live in Bikini Bottom. Pink are the most common, blue are uncommon, green are rare, purple are very rare and only one albino jellyfish exists. White and orange jellyfish are seen in the videogame Lights, Camera, PANTS!. Jellyfish reside mainly in Jellyfish Fields, which has a population of four million jellyfish. They make and live in hives, another similarity to real-world bees. In earlier episodes, jellyfish were plain pink, but later on, more jellyfish began to appear with spots, but plain pink ones still exist. Jellyfish are similar to cows in that they can be "milked" for their fresh jellyfish jelly. Second, scallops are similar to birds. They are usually found in groups at Goo Lagoon, particularly acting as seagulls. Scallops are usually orange or purple. There is also a colossal clam named Clamu in the Bikini Bottom Stadium. It's currently a mother of one. Third, seaslugs were seen in the video game, SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge. They are known to dislike everyone. Fourth, seahorses, which are similar to horses, can be ridden and are very interested in food. Fifth, the Alaskan Bull-Worm is a large, omnivorous worm that attacked various parts of Bikini Bottom in its sleep in "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm". It eventually went on to destroy the entire city. Sixth, sea urchins, which are small "bug-like" creatures whose bites cause severe itchiness (a possible similarity to fire ants or mosquitoes). Seventh, Nematodes which are worm like creatures that travel in groups and consume common objects by eating or drinking them. They once destroyed SpongeBob's house by sucking the pineapple juice out of it.[12]

Other "animals" are treated as pets. Two well-known "pets" are snails and worms. Snails are similar to cats and are common as pets, but they are also known to lurk in alleys and forests. A well-known character Gary the Snail is one of them. Worms are similar to dogs, and are also common as pets. At one point SpongeBob also owned a worm.

9:53 PM

History of Bikini Bottom

The history of Bikini Bottom can be traced back to the Permian period (which looked more like the Tertiary period in the prehistoric Bikini Bottom). During a time travel, Squidward Tentacles accidentally made his way to this era, and inadvertently invented the sport of jellyfishing.[13] Years later, in a more advanced prehistoric time (possibly the Cretaceous era, since a pterodactyl was seen flying at the opening scene; however, the prehistoric Bikini Bottom looked more like the late Quarternary era), SpongeGar, Patar, and Squog (possible ancestors of SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward, respectively) discovered fire.[14]

A later scene from "Dunces and Dragons" (2006) that depicts an overview of Bikini Bottomshire from the bottom of Planktonomor's tower.
A later scene from "Dunces and Dragons" (2006) that depicts an overview of Bikini Bottomshire from the bottom of Planktonomor's tower.

In the Medieval Era (in 1398), Bikini Bottomshire was under the rule of King Krabs (ancestor of Eugene H. Krabs)- the city was named after it's first king, Leopoldshire 1st, the Great - and was under attack by the evil wizard, Planktonomor (ancestor of Sheldon J. Plankton). SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star were transported to this time after a jousting accident. They were expected to arrive in this era because they were the "prophecy." According to Princess Pearl, "the prophecy" was that they (SpongeBob and Patrick) were the ones to save the kingdom. Princess Pearl (daughter of King Krabs) was kidnapped by Planktonomor's fire-breathing jellyfish, and taken hostage at Planktonomore's tower. Fulfilling the prophecy, SpongeBob and Patrick saved Princess Pearl and defeated Planktonomor. Later, during a parade while celebrating SpongeBob and Patrick's heroic deeds, King Krabs invented the Krabby Patty, which would be passed down through the Krabs family, and the formula being kept secret.[1]

In 1782, George Washington and The Continential Army came and forced the British Commander-in-chief to surrender. Washington said, after putting up the military flag, "We now shall have vic'try and indepencence. I, George Washington, commander in chief of the Continential Army, therefore rename this city, Bikini Bottom and this name shall be the permanent name of this American city, therefore, I shall declare..."

In 1862, The Confederate General Stonewall Jackson led the Army of the Confederate States of America to Bikini Bottom. Ulysses S. Grant and "The Army of the Potomac" came for battle. The battle lasted for only 2 days and the Union won.

The modern era is similar to the real world, in that sporting events began to be held, businesses were established, and the city grew. In the early 20th century, around 1902, a sporting event called the "Great Snail Race" was started. Lightning Larry Luciano won the first race. However, not much more information about the Great Snail Race is known, until 102 years later.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy were born. Mermaid Man first used his utility belt around 1937. From there on, he used his belt to protect Bikini Bottom from evil. He would later join with Barnacle Boy to fight crime together.

On November 30, 1942, Eugene H. Krabs was born.[15] In his childhood, he immediately became a financial genius as he is known today. In 1947, his father gave him a dollar which he loved much; however he spent it on a soda, which was upsetting to him. Not long after, World War II occurred, in which the events are unknown. After the war, Mr. Krabs fell into a deep depression, which seemed endless; however, a bankrupt retirement home, the Rusty Krab, gave him hope. Mr. Krabs decided to buy the building, rename it, marking the establishment of the Krusty Krab. A famine in 1959 wiped out the chum crops, causing Mr. Krabs to give his employees a break. It is unknown how the rivalry with Mr. Krabs and Sheldon J. Plankton began, Although it will be revealed in Friend or Foe?, but it was about 1977 when Plankton first tried to steal the secret formula. Mr. Krabs and Plankton competed against each other in the Fry Cook Games, which started around 1981. Mr. Krabs won gold one year for lifting two barrels of pickles. Plankton won the onion ring routine another year with a broken antenna.

On July 14, 1986, SpongeBob SquarePants was born. In his early childhood, he received Gary as a pet, and Patrick as a friend. He attended school, and one of his teachers was Mrs. Shell. Sandy Cheeks arrived in Bikini Bottom around 1998. Her mission was to conduct scientific experiments, in her treedome. She brought Christmas to Bikini Bottom, and it was Squidward who saw it through.[16] About 2001, in the 21st annual Fry Cook Games, Mr. Krabs and Sheldon J. Plankton were represented by their loyal fry cooks for the first time since they first competed against each other. SpongeBob SquarePants for the Krusty Krab and Patrick Star for the Chum Bucket. Around 2002, Mr. Krabs and Plankton celebrated 25 years of their rivalry. Plankton acquired help from his family, which was eventually foiled by Mr. Krabs. The 102nd running of the snail occurred about 2003. Lighting Larry Luncino, still living, lit the torch of good sportsmanship, and the games began. The race resulted in Rocky (Owned by Patrick Star) winning. In 1999, while trying to hide from SpongeBob and Patrick, Squidward Tentacles froze in the Krusty Krab freezer, staying there for 2000 years, but eventually coming back.

Bikini Bottom Evacuation route in "Once Bitten"

Bikini Bottom Evacuation route in "Once Bitten"

In the present time, Bikini Bottom has had various occurrences of destruction. In Dying for Pie, a bomb pie fell on Squidward's face, causing a nuclear explosion (with Squidward dead center). In "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm," an Alaskan Bull Worm struck Bikini Bottom, which made Sandy hunt it down. Bikini Bottom was moved away, but the worm crushed it. In "Wormy," while Sandy was out of town SpongeBob and Patrick were given the duty of taking care of her pets, one of which was a caterpillar named Wormy. Wormy grew into a butterfly overnight, which caused SpongeBob and Patrick to freak out, thinking Wormy's dead. They then proceeded to cause a mass hysteria that lead to the city's destruction. Global warming also took effect in the short, "The Endless Summer."

Years later, Mr. Krabs opened a second restaurant, namely the "Krusty Krab 2." Plankton initiated his evil Plan Z, and stole King Neptune's Crown, thereby framing Mr. Krabs. He was frozen because of this; however, SpongeBob and Patrick set out toward Shell City to retrieve Neptune's crown, and then saved the day.[2]

In 3999, Squidward was unfrozen from the freezer, and found out that Bikini Bottom was advanced and painted entirely of chrome. He used a time machine, but accidentally went back too far, to the early prehistoric era (circa 5,000,000 BC).

In the next eternity, Squidward Tentacles and SpongeBob SquarePants are still alive, working at the Krusty Krab as skeletons.

8:54 PM

Herman Li in Malaysia

Ohemgee.... HERMAN LI IS COMING to Malaysia for a clinic!! WOOOOOOOOOO! I thought no one would come. I wanna go! If you can't see the thinggy beside this and want to pakat with me and go ;)

Herman Li
Asian Tour Clinic

15th July 2007 (Sunday)
3rd Floor, Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang
Guest Artist: Deja Voodoo Spells

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1:06 AM

How to Piss Off Your Dad

Hah, lately my dad has been CRAZY! I'm not even going to post what he's done, just pm/msg/ask me if you REALLY want to know. I shall give him the only bit of respect he deserves by not posting it.

So, my dad asked me to wash my shoes at 12.30am on a Sunday. Whenever I wash these shoes, I fall sick because my feet are always cold and when it's wet, walah... sick. Obviously, I just say no. Im not going to wash my damned shoes today. He gets up beside me like as if he's going to slap me. And well, I put my hands in my pocket la. NEVER SCARED man. Like shit argue, argue.... This leaves me cursing under my breath at me. Saying no respect for your children, motherfucker. I hate cursing my dad. But he's unreasonable. This is not half of it.

I go la, put soap on the shoes. Use my feet to rub it in. Spray until no more bubbles (Still not thoroughly washed) And I purposely wet the kitchen there. And conveniently walk out soaked, just to piss off my dad. He's not said anything. But im so screwed in a bit.

Ish, ish, ish. Holy crap.


12:54 AM

Kuali Terbakar

Eva Chen our weirdo friend (nope, she's not minority) is going for cheer 2007 on sat (yesterday) and sun (today) After all the pratices from Chinese colour turn to my colour adi man. Damn fast. Look like Kuali terbakar. Oh yeah, Win says that our class is slow. When Khairiah (Math teacher) was announcing the questions to do.
Ex: c,d,e,f,g.

5 secs after she did so, then the class dragged,"cc......, d...........d...., eee.........,fff.........., g........." Then of course I shouted, OIT 1A1 OUR CLASS SO RETARDED AND SLOW ONE ARH???" The teacher also laughed man. Our class is so slow and retarded. Hee hee.

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12:47 AM

Saturday, June 23

Ish... No time to goooo onlineeeeeeee.... Not fair la. Anyways, at least tissue has been posting when I wasnt.. lol. Oh, and I've got something to say abt SSV. Its not just about de rocking chair, tissue, it kinda drives u crazy if u aren't already crazy. xD It made abt 5+ screws in my brain go loose. Before getting the virus, about 3 of them disappeared adi. So yea.. tats how bad it gets.

Tissue was supposed to post something bout our class.. But since she hasn't yet, I'll do it. Erm, on Friday, yesterday, last period was Maths. When our teacher gave the exercises from the textbook, our class was repeating it, SLOWLY.... lol. She'll have to post everything else. haha. I'm too "lazy" to. xD I'll post again soon. no worries. x)

-ssv infected, keep away-


7:00 PM

Thursday, June 21
My Very Own Paps

Everyday, children are put to bed,
Yet I am left here alone,
If only you can just see,
There is so much worse than this,
Have you ever found love?
Each night,
I look to the heavens and begin to tear,
Hoping to find my will to live.

I know I haven't a day without tears,
Since the day someone decided to hate,
I love him so, yet he is ignorant,
The pain only lies in me.
I learn to love him more everyday,
Each passing day,
I have disgraced him more.

I am at fault,
This know, I haven't a doubt,
For it is mewho fails to seek approval,
But one day, I will find it within him,
To love me again.

4:45 AM

Wednesday, June 20
Jambatan Sudah Roboh

We spent the whole day playing Jambatan Sudah Roboh (London Bridge) It was me, Shan, Danielle, Deanna and Leena. It was my bright idea saying, "Let's play Jambatan Sudah Roboh!" and I realized, that everybody was keen so :D Good lah :)

Then Nicole went and took a video of us on the phone. Then I saw her with her phone. I exclaimed it and we all just burst out laughing. Ill post it here when I get it from her. Lmfao. Everyone loves watching us play that game.

Just now though, Farah dgan bangganya joined us juniors. We shouldve had a recording of that. All the form 1's nicely there. Suddenly one senior there. Sesat gila man. Some more she's was saying I am so pro, I was so pro. (Last time la) Ahahhahahaah. I love that game ;)

-MindScar Shredder-
.:: WOO ::.

11:18 PM

Tuesday, June 19
Three Letters: S.S.V.

The deadly letters S.S.V. stands for something important in all our lives. You might not have met me. But you know you have it, one way or another. S.S.V. The Sheau Swan Virus. It is SO CONTAGIOUS that you do not have to be close to receive it. All you need to do is rock your chair back and forth to look like a retard and speak of random thoughts. If you do not rock your chair as such you must look at the world as if taken a huge dose of LSD, where everything is colourful and flowery. Once you have S.S.V. The world will look different, once you have S.S.V. You life will be changed... Some for the better, some for the worse. Join us, in this perfect state of mind. Reach in towards your inner turbulence and choose not to hide it, FLAUNT IT.

S.S.V. receive it, then try to get a cure. Don't see why you'd want to... Be proud of the mind-blowing virus. It kills, it burns, I am proud of being infected and surviving my inner turbulence.

S.S.V. Beware

11:44 PM

School on Saturdays?

w00t! I am playing bass for the finale and tenor sax for the start of the AMB concert. I've just successfully tabbed out the whole bass tab for the Children of Sanchez. Nice... Took me an hour for 72 bars. Listening to it now. Nothing much, cause it's only bass. But it's all good. :) PLus I have the download for Windows of the World by Peter Graham.

Today, we managed to not study for the whole damn day. Weeeee. I happy. Teacher not present, meeting and so on. went to pasar malam. Weeee bought glasses. Damn nice my specs baru. 20 myr only. Got new pants, damn nice. Got school on Saturdays now :( But I only have to go for band :D I tell you la okay.. I am so pissed. I hope I never have to go to class. Sorry everyone, I can't make it for all the appointments I've promised :'(

I know its not fair. But TOO BAD!
-A Shredlet-
.:: w00 ::.

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12:43 AM

Sunday, June 17
Assunta Military Band Concert

Hello one, hello all!

I have recently found out that I am under promo for band concert. So :) You would all have to do me a favour. Consider it a favour to the whole band.

The Assunta Military Band (AMB) will be performing at a concert which is held every alternate year. Majority of us will be performing. Please, do come to watch your friends play, school cheer and hopefully an encore. ;)

Date: 13th(matinee)& 14th(concert)of July
Time: 8.00-10.00 pm
Venue: SMK Assunta, Sister Enda Hall

Different themes of songs will be carried out for different tastes of the crowd. This will definitely be enjoyable for everyone.

Ps: Ask for an encore ;) ;)
Pss: Pass this around. PLEASE.

If you need anything, more information of any sort.

Email: isidra.araya@hotmail.com

-Cheryl Lee-
.:: A Shredlet ::.

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11:32 PM

Gamer sial

Listening to- Gilberto Concerto-Paul Gilbert
Mood- Gamer mood. :p

I've started Knights Online lately. My username is mindscarshred. Infernal Carnage clan. Human. I might be switching to a female orc. Lebih bergaya man. Michelle ended up twirling in one place when this guy was watching her. I think it was my character. Oh God. or was it her? Dunu la... But yeah, its kinda cool. Addictive. Summore I am watching heroes now. Almost habis, but im one episode short. Episode 21. Nvm , after I ko now I go and dl that. Or while I ko la. I think i should play guitar now. So long I never touch it. Dunu why. I should be sued for that.

-A Shredlet-
.:: WOO ::.

4:17 PM

One day at Shantila's

Listening to- Like Light to Flies- Trivium
Mood- Uplifted

After staying over at Shantila's place and only sleeping at 7 and awaking at 11. I am a pretty good deal awake after eating, and eating and eating everything we bought. 40 bucks worth of tit-bits for the 3 of us. And I ended up eating everything. I am the new dustbin. :D

We started off by playing God of War. And after going through everything. We finally sat at the throne of the God of War at Mount Olympus. That was around 8? We reached there about 4 ish. But damn nice la the feeling to finished a series of games. After that we go buy everything. Shanti got me a T-shirt and a spongebob and patrick plushie. I am so happy. Bought dinner, Watched Bridget Jones Diary and Constantine. Continued God of War. Finished it. Then played Burnout Dominator. Takedown and roadrage the whole world. Honestly compared to Burnout 3 and Revenge. I prefer 3. Dominator is not that nice. Finally, we went to sleep.

4:04 PM

God of War

The story is told mostly in a large flashback, starting from the present where Kratos, standing on top of the largest cliff in Greece, laments how the Gods have abandoned him, and then tosses himself into the waters below.

While the player starts the game three weeks prior to this event, Kratos' background is told by the Narrator during the game (revealed to be Gaia in God of War 2). Kratos was a fearsome Spartan warrior. His ferocity in battle lead him from leading just 50 men to an army of thousands. However, in a battle against a large barbarian horde, his army faced a massacre, and in a desperate measure, Kratos offered his life to Ares, the God of War, in exchange for Ares to smite down his enemies. Ares sensed the making of a God in Kratos and granted him the Blades of Chaos, made in the depths of Hades, the blades were attached on long chains to Kratos' arms, Ares then wiped the barbarian forces out, with Kratos decapitating the leader.

Kratos then became Ares' servant, leading the Spartan army in conquering much of Greece for themselves. In one battle, they came across a village that worshiped Athena, and began to kill all in the village. Despite his own foreboding feelings and the warnings of the local Oracle of the village, Kratos entered the temple of Athena, slaughtered all the survivors inside and set the building aflame in his bloodlust. Suddenly, he realized that his two last victims were his wife and his daughter; Ares apears in the flames and admits he used this as a test of Kratos' power and to remove the last vestiges of his humanity so he could become death itself. The village Oracle cursed Kratos binding the ashes of his dead family to his skin, turning him ghostly white as a reminder of his horrible deed, leading to him being called the "The Ghost of Sparta". Kratos renounced his service to Ares and began to wander the earth, lamenting his deeds, while serving the remaining Gods of Olympus for ten years.

The player becomes involved in Kratos' story as he is approaching Athena's city of Athens under siege by Ares' army three weeks prior to the opening scene. After defeating the giant Hydra, he comes ashore and is approached by Athena, who sees Kratos' potential to stop Ares and save her beloved city. Kratos fights his way through the attacking forces to find the Oracle of Athens. After saving the Oracle from falling to death, she tells Kratos that the only way to stop Ares is to retrieve Pandora's Box that is located deep within the Temple of Pandora, built on the back of the Titan Kronos that wanders the Desert of Lost Souls.

Kratos battling Undead Legionaries

Kratos battling Undead Legionaries

Kratos is then met by Athena on the outskirts of the desert and is told he must kill three sirens to find the way to Kronos. After doing so and climbing aboard, makes his way to the Temple, defeating many of the foes and near fatal traps built into the Temple by its crazed architect, and recovers Pandora's Box. Athena appears again and demands that Kratos returns to Athens. Ares however also senses his success, and throws a pillar from Athens to the Temple, impaling Kratos on a wall and killing him. However, Kratos is able to escape the Underworld and return to his mortal body, helped back up to earth by the mysterious gravedigger encountered earlier on. With the power of Pandora's Box, he returns to Athens to gain his ultimate revenge against Ares.

Ares after being injured in their first duel, first attempts to drive Kratos mad by making him relive the moment of the death of his family at his own hands. He creates copies of Kratos and makes them attack his wife and child. But Kratos is able to kill them and seemingly save his family. However Ares strips the Blades of Chaos from his arms and impales his family with them. Kratos is anguished by this. He leaves this memory and is almost killed by Ares until he spots a huge sword used as a bridge from a statue of Athena to Athens. This is a giant replica of the Blade of Olympus, and Kratos grabs it and engages his former master and once Saviour in a final sword fight. After Ares is defeated he desperately tries to remind Kratos how he saved his life and his plans to make him the ultimate warrior. Kratos shows no pity and after declaring he's now the great warrior Ares envisioned, impales the god through the chest. Ares is destroyed in a colossal explosion.

While receiving the congratulations from the Gods, Kratos asks Athena to remove the nightmares of his past. Athena explains that the gods can only forgive him for his sins; the nightmares, unfortunately, are permanent. No God or mortal could possibly forget them. Feeling abandoned and hopeless, Kratos climbs back to the Bluffs overlooking the Aegean Sea and as the game comes full circle, tosses himself over the edge. However, as he breaks the waves below, he is pulled out and placed back on the cliff by Athena to the heights of Mount Olympus. He has served the gods well, she explains, and there is a throne waiting for him that currently has no occupant - the throne of the God of War.

I finished God of War l AND ll! Weeeeeeee!!!!

-A Shredlet-
.:: WOO ::.

3:57 PM

Interact Concert; Steal the Limelight

Listening to- Athena talking with Trivium music in the background
Mood- Happy :)

Okay... On friday, we went for Steal the Limelight at the Civics Center. It was organized by 3 people from SMK Assunta one who happens to be Natalie- Nicole's sister. There was a lucky draw. I so smart pick my number la. 0142= sure die.

While i was retaking my moral exam, Halfway Bernie called me, "Weyh, I dont think we have a bus." WTF? I paid for everything half-way your telling me got no bus. Scary shit la... Then she went run, run check and confirm. After I told my teacher that my brains half evaporated and I couldn't do the exam. I gave up and followed everyone. Tukar baju all m army pants damn nice :p Then I realize, Shannon wasn't there. Went, ran called her. She tukar damn slow cannot make up her mind. (No offence, I was in a hurry) Rushed down like crazy to catch the bus and we did, with time to spare. Hallelujah.

Entered the civics center. We didnt know where to go, so me and Si Tupid went to follow this group of people and saw that they went into the toilet X) We ran OUT of there to sit down on the floor and look like beggars.

So the thing begun la after they all take pictures. -_- ON MY LAP. Anyway, started with this girl. She danced solo. She was good actually. She had full control. But it came off damn slutty. Then mid-way like run out of steps. So it was okay2 la. Second one, Wildstyle group. They break dance damn chunted weyh. Skill is the word. Third group this pair. They were very good too. Fourth one, Shufflers. They were fucking amazing weyh... But it was too long of a dance for all of them

Fifth, the Gay-Sha's. (geisha's) They were all guys. This Small Indian Guy came up with this speech in a gay voice. "good evening ladies, gentleman, everybody like us in between... Judges and guests. We come here to win all but if never win also nevermind la. Its all okay." He continued to intro them. Ironically, one guy with boobs was named dicky. And some other small guy was named kitty kat. I dont really remember the rest. They started by hopping around like bunnies. and they sang a bryan adams song. Then some stupid highschool musical song. (eww) What Ive been looking for. They keep looking at their... when they say "what Ive been looking for" AHhahahahahahahHAHAHAHAAHAHAHhhahahahaHHAHAHHAH.. That was the highlight la.

Pastuh, Assunta's turn. Dimeshots ll. They were amazing. They came in suits they did the formation in a straight line to look like one person had a lot of hands. It was VERY VERY synced. They desreved to win. In the end, Wildstyle got third, Dimeshots ll Second. and GAY SHAS first. They i know its more ironic than their names, But those people have balls la. To go on stage and do that.

-A Shredlet-
.:: WOO ::.

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3:32 PM

Thursday, June 14
Words of Wisdom- My Theory

I have a theory of my life. Everything happens for a reason. If you feel that something bad has happened to you, you can immediately trace back and find out why. If you manage to sedar and stop or continue the bad and good. You will have a reasonably good life. Things around you that you cant change. If you can change it in any way. Then you should know how to seek the way out.

Back to the things that you cant change. This is where you just pray. before you try to lose yourself. It's honestly easy to lose myself. Because I was never quite here. Don't get too obsessed with you problems. If you find it complicated, break it down. Find the reason... Find the solution. Somethings are just natural and meant to be.

Things that are ought to happen sooner or later. Such as you being scarred. Just once again break it down and the answer is clear. Just make sure your only motive is to avenge or destruct. Just get yourself up, I believe that God will help you up but yet push you again and again until you stand straight, confidently. So just prepare yourself. Your world will seem brighter.

The Enlightener.
-MindScar Shredlet-
.:: WOO ::.


11:47 PM

God of War 2

Kratos: God of War

God of War II takes place some time after the events of the first game; Kratos, after his defeat of Ares, takes over as the God of War in Olympus, but he receives no love from the other Gods due to his dark past and deeds. Kratos finds enjoyment the only way he can, and turns to his army, the Spartans, and aids them as they conquer Greece. Athena tries to stop Kratos from this rampage, but he ignores her, and he himself goes to Rhodes to aid his army; however, as soon as he arrives, an eagle swoops in and steals some of his godly powers and brings to life the Colossus of Rhodes to fight against Kratos. Kratos initially suspects Athena of these actions as he fights the living statue across the city. As Kratos wears down, Zeus offers him the Blade of Olympus to finish the battle, at the cost of consuming all of Kratos' power. Kratos accepts, and manages to bring down the Colossus at a tremendous cost to his body. Fallen and exhausted, he can only watch as the eagle swoops down again, and reveals itself as Zeus, who tricked Kratos into putting his power into the Blade of Olympus in order to rid Olympus of Kratos forever. Zeus uses the Blade to kill Kratos.

However, Kratos is taken into the Underworld and learns that Gaia, one of the Titans, has watched his fate and offers her help to restore his powers so that both herself and the rest of the Titans can exact revenge on the Gods for the punishment they suffered when they lost the war between the Gods and the Titans. As he escapes the Underworld, she tells him that he must find the Sisters of Fate to change his past, and gives Kratos the help of Pegasus to transverse the distance to the Fates. Kratos and Pegasus fly to the Island of Creation where the Sisters of Fate await, well guarded in both the air and on land.

Along these travels, Kratos encounters, and in many cases, defeats several heroes and monsters, regaining new powers, weapons, and magical abilities that he lost to Zeus' trap. He finally encounters the Sisters, Lakhesis, Atropos, and Clotho, all three that aggressively defend the Loom that can change the lives of mortal and God alike. They even attempt to change Kratos' past by changing the outcome of the final battle he had with Ares. Nevertheless, Kratos is able to defeat each Sister, and gains control of the Loom. He first tries to go back to the point where Zeus kills him in Rhodes, leading to a lengthy battle with the Father of all Gods. Kratos manages to trick Zeus, wrestling the Blade of Olympus from the God and is about to impale him when Athena appears and takes the fatal blow instead. In her dying words, she reveals that Zeus' actions are meant to break the cycle in Olympus of son killing father and, in turn, reveals to Kratos that he is the son of Zeus. As Athena dies, Kratos vows to extract retribution on the Gods of Olympus for their acts of self-preservation above all else.

Returning to the Loom, Kratos uses it once again to go back further in time, right between the end of the war between the Gods and Titans, and offers the Titans the chance to come back in time with him to finish their war with Olympus with Zeus weakened and the other Gods in a state of confusion. The game ends with the Gods of Olympus, in the present, watching in horror as the Titans climb up Mount Olympus, led by Kratos shouting "Zeus! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of Olympus!

I finished the whole story and played the whole game. 10th June 2007, 4am in Shatila's place. That was good shit. Played God of War from 6pm-7am.Woo Wee!!! God of War masih dalam process. Hampir nak habis. Going to the chariot race to fight Ares. Can't help but share the happiness that I finished God of War 2...

-MindScar Shredlet-
.:: WOO ::.

12:26 AM

Monday, June 11
Tekam- Plantation Resort

Isnt it ironic? They are the ones that woke me up

Allo, sorry I took so long to post this. It's just that the blog has been having some problems with the css that Win and I are trying to cure. So for now we'll just have this simple shit skin. We'll deal with that later.

Anyway, I just came back from tekam as Win has informed. It was fun because we faced the fun and the late all together. Ahahaahhahah.

First Day-
Bus ride... In the bus:
Sat with Sheau. Sheau and Queenie ended up switching places dunu why. Must've driven her away :p Queenie took my food and fell asleep. (hee hee) Talked to Bernie, Val and Nick to keep myself awake. But later on I just took out my iPod and it was just being passed around. So I listened to different types of comments on my music. Finally, we've arrive.

Saw the chalet with Shern Lyn and Roshini. It was a small kampung house with a stupid flush and hard bed. PERFECT! -_- Went to eat, the food was not worth the shit we paid. Then we walked ALL THE WAY to the fucking plantation thing. which was so far away and got bitten by a whole load of mosquito plus the stupid heat. And we had to walk back too! Everybody then left to the pool when I decided to stay in the chalet and my other mangkuk roommates followed. We just talked, bitched and talked some more nonsense. Where Lyn hooked up with her boyfriend on the phone x) MY PHONE. AHHAHAHAHAHA

At night though, we had to go jungle trekking in the forest. I was armed with mosquito repellent this time...We walked reasonable deep into the forest WITH torchlights. But out in groups with ONLY ONE BURNING CANDLE. Don't you think the organizer was sadistic? Ahahahahhah.

At night Fadila called me with a scared voice asking me to bring an insect spray (which I didnt have) to her place. Instead they came with their clothes asking to stay at our place which we gladly accepted. They killed the boredom/tension between them. Thank God. Lol

2nd Day:
Woke up late, rushed, went there late. Val had to wake us up again. Went caving. Everyone started to curse and swear. But I just said,"Chee Lup Tuck" (Sorry if you're reading this, its a swear word now) and "Pho Phak Lai" Just because it sounded like cursing. Whereas Sheau Swan just used,"FAKTOR" That beat me, but all Bernie is saying to me now is Pho Phak Lai :p

Then went to the flying fox. Coming back through the water was optional. Since May Fong wanted a leech, she went into the water first. Me and Bernie pakat, if she came out clean/un-hurt, we'd go into the water too! And we did! It was fun. But Jaishree (cant spell it :p) SWAM her way back because she thought she had to. AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH that made Kamini's day. Woot!

Pastuh, went boating plak. Boating my ass, it was kayaking. somewhat. 2 per boat. So I got in front and Lyn in the back. It was really painful in the arms, but it was muscle building. Rotfl. But then, the front dynamicly had to do more work. (So teacher told me) And since I kept crashing into things and kept on getting Lyn into sticky situations where she couldnt paddle, I had to do all the work. Serves me right :p

After that, makan and all... The ELDS stuff began. Ms. Boey asked me to play a song. -_- So I played that only successful song that I wrote. But im not proud of it anymore XD especially since I know better now. We had to act some crap la. I got to be "Legolas" in slow motion. Woot! I didnt have the hair though. I guess mine is long enough to flick.

Tido. Masa tu kan... I slept after everyone else la. So, I stayed up to write. On the torchlight, one fly came and sat on my hand. The number of them increased sampai I just turned off the light. After that I switch on the yellow light larh. That one also cannot. How? I just had to talk to my friend Ceiling...

Day 3:
We have set 5 alarm clocks last night. So if we dont wake up to one, we'll wake up to another. Shern Lyn's one rang at 5.15 Okay lah, I bangun... And told her to wake up... She's the most punctual and always wakes up on time. But instead she says," I don't want to wake up" So I said,"Wake up in 5" while I turned in myself.

Everyone else heard their own alarm clock and the same thing happened. Until Nicola, Valerie and Sheau Swan walked in. And they said Well, we all just sat down there, we have 5 mins... shit! Then Nicola shouted,ITS 7.25!!!! WAKE UP! YOU HAVE 5 MINS!"YOU HAVE 5 MINS DONT JUST SIT DOWN AND SAY YOU HAVE 5 MINS!!" Roshini was still asleep after all the shouting. Nicola walked over to her shouted,"WAKE UP,FOOL" and pull off the blanket. "WAKE UP" and shook her. "WAKE UP!" Pull the pillow. None of this worked until we actually tried to kill her.

We finally decided not to bathe :p and to go for breakfast first, and come back for a bath later. After breakfast, I went to their room to bathe, while everyone split up to be faster. We were finally punctual. Went to look at the plants all. Learn uh-huh that crap. Wasnt bad. Then we went to eat again. The food was finally good. Then went to the room. Made the last recordings of me. and returned home.


8:13 PM

Monday, June 4
Messy room...

before...and after...

this is how i spent abt 1 hour this morn. heh... now u noe how messy my room can get.

anyway, tissue's gone to tekam, with a whole bunch of elds ppl. and I was supposed to go to school today to pass something to val. I thought it was I was supposed to pass it to her on de 11th, so I didnt go to school today la, duhh.. its de hols.. and val was expecting me! waaaa... lol. darn funny.. i never realized i ffk so many ppl until tissue pointed it out. x)

-ssv infected, keep away-
...win... >.<


12:13 PM

At Church... :p

Today, went to church. I usually listen to stuff in church. But after the other 2 languages that they translate in that I cant understand, I space out. So I left the rest of the day with listening to Michelle say, "My name is Genghis Khan and i like to dance, my name is Genghis Khan and I like to go fishing" and my addition, "My name is Genghis Khan and I like to wear a tutu!" I feel guilty but never mind, next week I'll just go and watch Hillsongs United and the following week Planetshakers :p Guilty pleasures... Christian, ass rock. :$

Sherwin is reading this draft, its weird. Anyway.. Hey, who can buy for me the Systematic Chaos album by Dream Theater. Or send me the songs. But most of all... But most of all... I want a LES PAUL GT!! Woot!

-Mindscar Shredder-
.:: WOO ::.


12:54 AM


Gee, thanks for de intro tissue... lol. Thanks for erm, letting me blog in this "idiotic random blog". yeap. So, here's ma first post and well, lets hope ssv helps with the randomness. haha..

-ssv infected, keep away-
...win... xD


12:47 AM

Taman Petaling Concert

Since I have already announced everything, I shall tell you about my experience yesterday. Lol. So, I went to the Tp Concert. and well, it was good overall. Relatively good la. The finale and the 2 encores were good. The first encore was better. Pronunciation is apparently not on their priority as most of them said ANCORE! So... WE laugh like shit la what else. AhHAHAHAHHAHA

The saxophones and flute were really good, I have to say that. The trumpet, PERCUSSION OHEMGEE!! They SUCKED!!! (No offence if tp people ever read this, its the truth) Percussionist.... If you make a mistake, fine. Hit the wrong thing, whatever. DONT LOSE YOUR WHOLE BLOODY RHYTHM WITH A CONDUCTOR IN FRONT!!

Anyway.. I kinda got the location wrong. I went to the school itself :p Then I called everyone up and found that it was in the Civics centre. Ahaaahahah. Oh well thats it for now...

-Mindscar Shredder-
.:: WOO ::.

12:44 AM

New Member of the BLOG!!

Hello one, hello all! There has been a new member of this idiotic random blog. So let us applaud for A Sherwin as she joins us from this day on. So welcome Sherwin, may you bless this blog with words of wisdom, randomness and stupidity (Dont take this the wrong way, im just saying) And here is.... SHERWIN!


12:40 AM

Saturday, June 2
Metal Geneology


3:40 AM

Time consuming facts

Facts that I wrote in my nonsense book/book of thoughts that never came out right.

1. Must be able to shred (without legato-ing) and juggle at the same time while riding a unicycle before I am 18 so I can join the circus.

2. I should NEVER AGAIN eat my pets such as Mango (My old tiny pet grape) *sobs*

3. I like chocolate *hint* ;)

4. I was knocking my leg on the edge of the table when it was numb without realizing. It hit the sharp end as the numbness was fading. I was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

5. Must get the demo done because it's driving me crazy. I have never been stressed up before. I am still not, but its hard to keep it that way.

6. If the demo goes well, I only have to wait for 13 sessions (ONLY :p) to save up and buy a Gibson Les Paul GT, a Mesa Boogie/ Roland Micro cube (Cheap shit- RM399) and a Zoom G9.

7. I like llamas, penguins and hippos in particular even though I am a general animal person.

8. I started drums at 9 and dropped it at 11 cause I couldn't practice anywhere and didn't know what to do.

9. Started guitar at 9 and dropped it immediately because once again, I didn't know what to do. But picked it up again at 11 because I found a path. Lmfao.

10. I love Matthew Kiichi Heafy. (If he EVER finds this blog REPLY ME!) -fat chance- :'(

11. I hope no one bumps into my nonsense book because I have to filter everything into the blog.

12. MUST reach at LEAST grade 8 in guitar. (Should be grade 5 by the end of this year)

13. My palm hurts because I just managed to play the main riff off Universal Mind in lead. It took me a week to get it into the actual speed. But its still messy.

14. I've asked Sheehan for advice online! I know, I am sad but he did help. He's a nice chap.

15. I named my penguin soft toy Yngwie. But changed it to Heafy because it sounded like Ying Wei. (No offence if you are reading this, you are nice, but I don't want my penguin to be named that :p)

16. Hanida gave me my only birthday present this year thats not food, a teddy bear. It looks like a robber. I am grateful no doubt. But I named it Robber since it looked suspicious. And it's wearing my bullet chain. LOL

17. Everyone around me is emo-ing. Although I am helping them through this, I am keeping myself happy in my own little thoughts because that's the only sane thing around here.

18. I don't talk to people anymore. Not much. Especially during the exams. Where Ill just finish up quick to sleep. And when everyone is studying or discussing answers, I'm just in the corner writing poems or sleeping. Lol. Or drawing.

19. A few people have asked me whether I was depressed but no. I am not. I was the noisiest in class but I just decided to back down for a while. I don't know why. But I feel more comfortable that way. But dont get me wrong, I'd love to help you if you're going through anything.

20. We finally brought the male and female ribena berries together. When we get one more, it will be the berryling. (Don't ask how)

21. My grammar is one up thanks to Dream Theater and Trivium lyrics. Ahahhahahah

22. Farah (Our vocalist for the Jubilee) went to boarding school. Standard 6 people, STOP ASKING! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

23. I was always in love with the name Isidra/Araya.

24. My ambition used to be Van Halen's M&M's picker. Sounds wrong but they have a contract with M&M's to have the brown pieces removed after every show in the amount ordered. THATS MY JOB!

25. Carmen Ng heard, "Pn. Logam's accident" to be "Pn. Logam is sexy" TRAUMATIZING!

26. Sheau Swan laughed at the title Mrs. Heafy. LMFAO. If only he were 7 years younger. Oh well...

27. Nicho played Romeo and the professor in My Fair Lady. Ahahhhahah. Though I did not expect it from you, you did a good job. (No offense once again)

28. I think I am only living in a little fantasy of mine now. I have a poem reading, Bargaining with a Munchkin. Which is about how I am losing my insanity but gained the talent to write about my lost of control over myself.

29. Half of the book says, "I WILL LEARN TO WRITE WITH MY LEFT HAND!! WOooooooooooooooooo"

30. Everything else in my book gets personal. Only Shannon has read the whole thing. But I added more LONG entries.

I cant believe I had so much time to write this crap at 4 am.


3:04 AM

First Post of the Blog!

Welcome to a little blog thats not short and hopefully not stout either. In other words just... Little. None of you whatsoever, has tried to get into my head because you know it's too surprising, unexpected and sometimes filled with random unwanted information. So here it is, everything you have erm.. not been looking for? Shit.

TOO BAD! You have no choice but to listen to me blab since your here!!! And just by the way, the link is mindscar shredder, not minds cars hredder. :p I knew you'd get that mixed up. Because I am more of a CLOWN than YOU are!

(I mean my version of clown not freaky make-up ones)
Definition of Clown in my dictionary: *ehem, ehem* A Cheryl Lee. Glad that was over.

So, Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


2:52 AM